Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December Daily- Day 21

Today I went to Seattle for work. Our first stop was to the Seattle Center to use the bathrooms. While we waited for each kid to take their turn to use the bathroom, we sat on the steps leading up to the center and we sang Christmas carols. We had a few people stop with their kids and they sang along or just listened. Next we all piled onto the Monorail with many worried eyes on us. The train was packed and the staff got to stand. What was really crazy and a bit scary, was walking through downtown Seattle with 50+ kids during the final shopping week before Christmas. So after weaving our way through the crowds, we finally made it to the Sheraton where I found out that we got to stand in another long line to look at very large gingerbread houses. While we waited in line, little elves passed out candy canes to all of the kids. There was a total of four very, very large gingerbread creations. They were quite amazing. Amazing enough to stand in line for an hour with that many children, I don`t think so. After weaving through the people again, crossing many a crosswalk and another Monorail ride, we made it back to the Center with no lost kids. Now thats amazing!!  Our next stop was the Space Needle. The plan was to take pictures with Santa and decorate sugar cookies. Lets just say the Needle was loaded to the brim and I am surprised that it was not leaning over. My group did make it to the top and got their pictures taken with Astronaut Santa in his Space Needle Rocket Ship which we stood in another line for a very, very, very long time. We also got to get a breathe of fresh air and check out the view from the observation deck but we did not have time to stand in another long line to decorate cookies. Personally I was happy to head back to the buses. What a day!!!!

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