Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day

 To celebrate Earth Day, Papa and I walked around the lake and picked up garbage. We found soda & beer cans, straws, plastic lids, Jamba Juice cups, styrofoam, gum wrappers, plastic grocery bags, paper, bottle caps, and lots more. All the garbage that we found, weighed about 10 pounds. WOW!! On our walk, we also found two ant hills, had to fight off alot of flies that wanted our garbage, and I got one stick`r bush in by big toe (thats what I get for wearing sandals). Even though we could not reach all the garbage (some in the woods and thick stick`r bushes), we did our best!! It feels good to help clean up our neighborhood. We thank God for this beautiful earth that He has given us.

We also enjoyed this beautiful Earth Day by doing some yard work, going on a bike ride, cleaning the house, doing some baking, playing with the dog and looking at our pretty flowers and fruit trees. What did you do on this Earth Day? We would love to hear how you enjoyed your Earth Day!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics! We spent the day outside in the sun, working on the garden and yard. :-)
