Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Washer Repair Man & Mr. Clean`s Magic Erasers

                                    Its a great weekend!!

Yesterday we got our wash machine fixed. Yea!! Nana found a repair man in the yellow pages and gave him a call. He told us that he would be able to be out in a couple hours after he finished a job in Granite Falls. After getting a little lost and Cheri running out to the end of the driveway to get his attention, he finally arrived. He was a friendly old man with cataracts, a crazy hat, a lucky penny in his shoe, and lots of stories to tell. But he sure knew his business and had our wash machine fixed in a jiffy. It was just a plugged pump filled with stuffing from a pillow that Nana had cleaned. He also showed Nana how to fix it herself and recommended taking those pillows to a Laundry Mat and let it plug their washers.

Mr. Clean is truly a miracle worker. My windowsills have been driving me crazy lately and I can`t seem to get them clean enough. I decided to try these magic erasers and they worked magic on my windows. They got all that dirty grime off the sills. Thank God for the men in our life like those Mr. Fix-its & Mr. Cleans!!!  


  1. Hey Senny, How are you? You need to start bloggin`!!

    1. I'm good! busy busy with all the kids...I totally want to blog! must carve out time...its on the list! Love reading yours and Cheri's too. So fun to keep up with your lives and fun times! <3
