Saturday, February 25, 2012

Who`s the culprit?

This package arrived at the post office for me last week. Nana gave me a call when she was there picking up our mail and surprise...some more baby junk. She said, "Enough is enough! It`s more of that baby stuff. Who is sending you this?" The package would not even fit in our box so the postman had to put a key in our box. Nana had to take the key to a larger lock box to retrieve the package. The baby package contained formula, the "art in breastfeeding" book, and coupons. This is CRAZY!! Who is playing this silly joke on me? Just to let everyone know...the only baby that I have is my furry black lab that is laying on the front porch.

Since I don`t like to let things go to waste and I do have, Jenna, my "baby" dog, I decided to try the formula out on her. First I mixed it up in a bottle and tried to see if she would drink it that way. Then I gave it to her in a tea mug and she drank it very fast and loved it!! I think that I will give her 6 ounces a day until its gone. So there...the jokes are not on me. Oh yes!! and to the person sending me this stuff, Jenna prefers goats milk if you feel the need to send me more baby packages.


  1. Lol! You are too funny! I promise it wasn't me!!!

  2. That is Crazy! Are you sure it is a person sending it to you and not samples from a company or something? Good luck getting to the bottom of this!

  3. Oh My gosh!!! This is really getting out of control. I hope the person who is doing it realizes they picked the wrong person to mess with. Maybe you are going to be on one of those prank shows. Ya think?
