Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blueberry Snowball

 After a day of snow, my "Blueberry" car has turned into a giant snowball. What is real funny is the Mickey Mouse antenna ball that is now a tiny snow ball!! In the last few days, we have accumulated at least a foot of snow. God has sure made this place a snowy white paradise! We are truly blessed to be able to stay home and enjoy all of His beauty!!
                                  Blueberry on Tuesday at around 10am
                                  Blueberry on Tuesday at around 11am
                                  Blueberry on Tuesday at around Noon
                                   Blueberry on Tuesday in the afternoon

                                     Blueberry on Tuesday at around 4pm

                                     Today Blueberry is a giant snowball.


  1. I love the blueberry pics! Didn't the snow build up fast? I posted some Tuesday pics of our backyard too. :)

  2. Wow, You can barely see blueberry. She/He is hidden in all the snow. Wow!!
